Thursday, May 6, 2010

By my back door

By my back door I have a beautiful bowl
Each week I fill it with fresh water from our well
Every week all through the seasons I place flowers in it
Sometimes they are blossoms
Somethings they are sprigs of Rosemary and lavender
And in the middle of winter it might be leaves
Whatever is growing in my garden
The refection of the flowers sparkling on the water is very peaceful to the eye
When I enter my door I am calmed by this small scene

Cheers Marie


  1. That is a lovely idea Marie... does it freeze over in winter time?

  2. Yes it does Katherine, but then it looks even more pretty, for the flowers are suspended in ice crystals. cheers Marie

  3. i am simply calmed by your words, friend.xx

  4. How beautiful. The birds and animals must love stopping in for a sip of water. :)

  5. Marie, I love how you, like a child, see such beauty in the little things. So many of us are swept up in such a fast pace that we forget to stop and notice all the splendor around us. You fill yourself with these elements and it shines through you like a light in the dark. Thank you for reminding me, though your poetry and visuals, to slow down and take in all the beauty and wonder of the natural world!

  6. Hello Marie

    I just what you have created here. I would love to start my own little bowl too. I think my little Olivia would love that.

    A happy day to you
    cheers to you

  7. That's very cool - It'd be lovely to see the frozen flowers - how beautiful they sound

  8. Happy Mother's Day, Marie!!!! Here I am visiting your beautiful place where you spread love and light all around. love, Beth

  9. Wow, that is such a beautiful idea Marie! I love it!

  10. Dear Marie, you have the words of a poet and the heart to match. What a lovely gesture it is.
