Sunday, January 10, 2010


I lay under the tree, and feel it breathe
I look up and feel its wonder wash over me
The beautiful green leaves
The sunlight sparkling through
The protection it gives me
It shelters me
I thank you for being a part of Mother earth
I thank you for being in my life.

by Marie


  1. Thanks, I have lots of trees around my home. Cheers Marie

  2. you are a great felter. You posted on my blog asking to see things that I have felted. I will post some soon. Thanks for the guidance :). I love your Etsy site as well. Happy felting!
    Annie Bananie

  3. Your artwork is so beautiful! I really relate to your poem about trees, as I have marveled at them ever since I was a little girl.

  4. Thanks kim, cheers and "Happy days" Marie
